

Computing is everywhere. Mobile as we know it is just the beginning.

intel unison apple- windows android ios laptop continuity

Intel's Unison app could allow Apple-like phone-to-PC connectivity between Windows, Android, and iOS

Something to look forward to: Users with Macs and Apple mobile devices have enjoyed a range of connectivity features between those products for years --AirDrop, Handoff, Universal Clipboard, and AirPlay are just a few. Intel recently unveiled software seeking to build similar bridges between Windows PCs and phones running iOS and Android.
apple removes russia popular social network app store

Russia demands an explanation after Apple removes its Facebook competitor from the App Store

Russia's largest social network has 75 million monthly users
Why it matters: Apple has removed Russia's Facebook competitor, VKontakte, from the App Store globally, a move prompted by new UK sanctions. It's one of several apps from VK, Russia's second-largest internet company, to have been dropped from the store, and the country is demanding an explanation.