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TechSpot Elite FAQ

What do you mean ad-free?

You'll see zero, zilch, zip, nada, no ads whatsoever.

How do I pay?

We're using PayPal, so it's easy and secure to subscribe.
We won't ask for any other information and all financial data remains with PayPal.

Why are you doing this?

Most of our revenue comes from advertising and a smaller portion from affiliate commissions. Advertising dollars are tighter than ever and even though we feel privileged to drive demand from high profile tech advertisers, we're not immune to the overall ad climate -- plus around 30% of our readers are ad blocking today.

Ultimately our intention with Elite is to foster participation and engagement from our amazing readers.

What if I ad block?

If you want to ad block, please consider subscribing.

Over 90% of our income comes from showing ads on the pages you read on TechSpot. When you visit our site with an ad blocker turned on, we cannot show the ads and cannot charge our advertisers. If we can’t show the ads, we earn NO revenue. And no revenue means no TechSpot.

You now have this alternative that won't penalize us in the process.

Tell me more...

While designing TechSpot Elite, our first decision was to make it clear the site's content would remain free and that this would be an opt-in program.

We believe TechSpot's value proposition comes in multiple forms: unique reviews and tests (that help you make better decisions when buying new hardware and save you money), informed and easy to digest tech news coverage, clean and fast downloads, superb tech features and explainers. We trust our readers will recognize this value and will consider a subscription.